Benefits of matcha tea

Matcha is a type of Japanese green tea, but they have some differences that make matcha a powder with high health benefits.
Matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, just like green tea, except that it is cultivated differently, and so is the care of it while it is growing.
20-30 days before harvesting, farmers cover their tea plants to avoid direct sunlight, which increases chlorophyll production, boosts amino acid content, and gives the plant its distinctive dark green colour.
Once the tea leaves are harvested; The stems and veins are removed, and the leaves are ground into a fine powder known as matcha, which contains nutrients from the entire tea leaf, resulting in more caffeine and antioxidants than regular green tea.

Health benefits of matcha

  • Anti-oxidant:
Matcha is a rich source of high-quality and effective antioxidants, which maintain the vitality and youth of the body's cells by fighting free radicals, preventing the occurrence of oxidative stress, and thus fighting aging and cell damage, which enhances the vitality and activity of the body.

  • Rich source of caffeine:
Matcha contains more caffeine than green coffee and green tea, yet it does not cause the jitters or anxiety that usually results when consuming caffeinated drinks.
One cup of matcha tea contains a compound known as L-theanine, which alters the effects of the caffeine in matcha, leaving the body feeling energized and rested alert for an average of 6-8 hours.
Caffeine supports the ability to focus, boost energy levels and body activity, and also works to increase the metabolic rate and stimulate fat burning to achieve an ideal body.

  • Detoxing the body:
Matcha is one of the best superfoods that can be used to create a detox or body cleanse. As they contain many nutrients that protect against cancer and diseases, and also help in lowering the levels of liver enzymes, the rise of which is a not benign indicator of liver damage.

  • Protect the heart:
    Matcha helps lower levels of triglycerides and harmful cholesterol in the blood, thus protecting the heart and blood vessels from the risk of various diseases.

  • Help in reducing weight:
Matcha contributes to an increase in the rate of metabolism and fat burning, which helps in obtaining a perfect body naturally, healthy and safe.

  • Other benefits of matcha:
  1. Prevention of diabetes, especially the second type of it.
  2. Supporting brain health and mental abilities.
  3. Raising the efficiency of the immune system.
  4. Maintains healthy skin and hair.
  5. Helps maintain the hormonal balance of the body.
  6. Natural and effective aphrodisiac for men and women.
  7. Increase fertility for men and women.
  8. Helps reduce unpleasant symptoms associated with menstruation in women.
  9. A natural and safe source of energy during pregnancy and lactation.
  10. It promotes the health of the gums and teeth, and protects against fungal diseases or cavities.
  11. Natural anti-inflammatory, protects against the risk of arthritis.
  12. Supporting digestive health and preventing bowel disorders.

Best time to drink matcha:

  • Before exercise: to obtain energy, increase the body's ability to withstand exercise, and to stimulate metabolism and burn fat as well.

  • In the morning: as a perfect healthy alternative to your morning cup of coffee.

  • On the job: To support focus and energy levels.

  • After eating : As matcha improves the digestion process, a cup of matcha can be consumed at least an hour after food, so as not to interfere with the absorption of calcium or iron present in the food.
    Avoid taking it after dinner because it contains caffeine that affects sleep.

How to prepare matcha:
Matcha powder can be added to water, milk, warm drinks, or cold drinks.
Matcha is also available in the form of tablets and food supplements, which can be taken and get the full benefits of the powder.

Matcha damage:
Studies have not shown any harm to matcha, but as usual with any food ingredient, excessive consumption of it beyond the recommended limit may cause some problems.
Since matcha contains caffeine, consuming too much matcha throughout the day may cause insomnia, headaches, increased heart rate, and dehydration.
Also, eating matcha with or immediately after eating may hinder the proper absorption of nutrients in food such as: iron and calcium, so it is recommended to eat matcha one or two hours after eating, to get the maximum benefit.

At Herbanta , we provide you with a distinguished collection of the best organic matcha products from the finest brands, to help you achieve a healthy body and a better life:

With best wishes for good health and lasting beauty